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86.199 gedachten over “Home

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    Заранее спасибо!)

  18. I like to get my inspiration from really meaningful phrases said by truly great people like “God is not willing to do everything, and thus take away our free will and that share of glory which belongs to us”, do you know where I can find thematic compiltaions of those?


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    +79180520135 – (телефон, viber, whatsapp, skype)
    Telegram – @RFDetective
    почта – RFDetektiv@gmail.com

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  26. I like to get my inspiration from really meaningful phrases said by truly great people like “A little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds about to religion”, do you know where I can find thematic compiltaions of those?


  27. Вечер добрый!
    Вылезла ошибка 94 на частотном приводе FR-A540L-450K-NA. Другие приборы ATS22D17Q, CIMRE7Z20451A, VFD300C43A установленные на экструдерах без ошибок.
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    +79180589706 Алексей (телефон, viber, whatsapp, skype)
    Telegram @alekseydetectiv
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  32. Доброго времени суток!
    Выпадает авария a121 на частотном преобразователе M100-03200100A. Похожие приборы ATV61QC50N4, C1MR-L7Z4011, IMS20302-V5-C24-F1-E0 установленные на компрессорах исправны.
    Описание нашел через яндекс по запросу “Ремонт частотного преобразователя Altivar 71 plus atv71exc5c31y” prom-electric.ru/articles/1/957/ . Поменял электролитический конденсатор.
    Всем успехов!

  33. Привет всем!
    Высветилась error 102 на преобразователе частоты FR-S520E-0.2K-NA. Подобные устройства ATV61WD22N4U, VZA40P4EAA, FR-D720-025-NA установленные на компрессорах функционируют.
    Объяснение нашел в гугле по запросу “SK55DGL126” prom-electric.ru/media/SEMIKRON_DataSheet_SK_55_DGL_126_24910820.pdf . Сгорел стабистор.
    Всего хорошего!

  34. If the differential receiver can accept input voltages as large as the RS-232 driver’s outputs, you don’t need the voltage divider and can connect the driver and receiver directly. Both interfaces invert the signals, so a TTL logic 1 at one end translates to a TTL logic 1 at the other end. This circuit is usable over short distances at slow bit rates. If you don’t need to invert the signals, use RS-485’s line A and connect line B to ground. Controlling the Driver Enable In an RS-485 network, only one driver can be enabled at a time. After sending data, a node should disable its driver as quickly as possible so the next node to transmit can enable its driver and start transmitting. Figure 6-12 shows a transmitted byte and its driver-enable signal. A node can control the driver-enable line with software or with a hardware-only method. 96 Inside RS-485 Figure 6-12: Trace 1 is the active-high driver-enable signal. Trace 2 is a transmitted byte. The driver-enable must go high before the byte transmits, and can return low any time after the transmission has completed. Re-enabling the Driver If a transmitting computer disables its driver by the middle of the final transmitted Stop bit, the next computer to transmit can enable its driver almost immediately after detecting the Stop bit. For some of the driver-control methods described below, the driver may remain enabled for a time after the final Stop bit. In these cases, the next node to transmit must be sure to wait long enough to ensure that the previous computer has had enough time to disable its driver. In many applications where a computer transmits and then expects a response, the required delay has elapsed by the time the responding computer has prepared the data to send. When needed, a way to ensure a delay is to start a timer after receiving data and then transmit after the timer times out. The amount of time to wait varies with the method the transmitting computer uses to control its driver-enable line. Software- prom-electric.ru

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  38. Привет!
    Загорелась error a252 на преобразователе M800-04200137A. Аналогичные приборы ATS22D32S6, CIMR-F7A40300, FR-A840-00380-1 на компрессорах функционируют.
    Объяснение нашел через гугл по запросу “pgb2010402krhf” prom-electric.ru/media/PGB2010402KRHF.pdf . Сгорел модуль Mitsubishi.

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  44. I’m sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about creating an instructive web site for college kids. May probably begin with publishing interesting facts like”A spider’s web is not a home, but rather a trap for its food. They are as individual as snowflakes, with no two ever being the same. Some tropical spiders have built webs over eighteen feet across.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts such as right here


  45. I am sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about building an instructive internet site for individuals. May probably begin with posting interesting facts like”Dragonflies are capable of flying sixty miles per hour, making them one of the fastest insects. This is good since they are in a big hurry, as they only live about twenty-four hours.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info such as right here


  46. I apologize for off-topic, I’m considering about building an enlightening website for young students. May probably start with submitting interesting information just like”Dragonflies are capable of flying sixty miles per hour, making them one of the fastest insects. This is good since they are in a big hurry, as they only live about twenty-four hours.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like here


  47. I’m sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about making an interesting web site for college kids. Will possibly start with posting interesting information such as”More people are afraid of spiders than death. Amazingly, few people are afraid of Champagne corks even though you are more likely to be killed by one than by a spider.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as right here


  48. I apologize for off-topic, I’m considering about building an interesting website for college students. Will possibly start with posting interesting facts such as”The most poisonous spider is the black widow. Its venom is more potent than a rattlesnake’s.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as here


  49. Sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about creating an instructive web-site for college students. May possibly start with posting interesting information such as”In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info like right here


  50. I’m sorry for off-topic, I am considering about building an interesting web site for kids. May possibly commence with publishing interesting information just like”Most household dust is made of dead skin cells.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info like here


  51. I’m sorry for off-topic, I am considering about building an instructive website as a student. May possibly start with submitting interesting information like”The average chocolate bar has 8 insects’ legs in it.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like here


  52. I apologize for off-topic, I’m thinking about creating an informative web-site for kids. Will possibly commence with submitting interesting information just like”More people are afraid of spiders than death. Amazingly, few people are afraid of Champagne corks even though you are more likely to be killed by one than by a spider.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts such as right here


  53. Sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about making an informative web-site as a student. Will probably start with publishing interesting facts like”By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as right here


  54. I apologize for off-topic, I’m thinking about creating an informative site for young students. Will possibly begin with publishing interesting facts such as”13% of Americans actually believe that some parts of the moon are made of cheese.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like here


  55. I apologize for off-topic, I am thinking about creating an informative web site as a student. May probably start with publishing interesting information such as”Dragonflies are capable of flying sixty miles per hour, making them one of the fastest insects. This is good since they are in a big hurry, as they only live about twenty-four hours.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts such as here


  56. Многие пользователи желают выбор материала, исходя из плотности материала. Но специалисты утверждают, что такой подход – неправильный. Объясняют это тем, что одни и те же материалы с одинаковыми показателями плотности могут обладать разной теплопроводностью. Подробнее читайте на сайте blitz-remont.ru

  57. I am sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about building an enlightening website for pupils. Will probably start with publishing interesting facts like”The Beetham Tower has 47 floors.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like here


  58. Sorry for off-topic, I am considering about building an enlightening site for kids. May probably begin with publishing interesting facts just like”For every ‘normal’ webpage, there are five porn pages.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like right here


  59. I apologize for off-topic, I am considering about creating an instructive internet site for kids. May probably start with posting interesting information like”14% of all facts and statistics are made up and 27% of people know that fact.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like here


  60. I am sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about creating an enlightening web site for college kids. May probably start with posting interesting information just like”Flies jump backwards during takeoff.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts such as right here


  61. I apologize for off-topic, I’m considering about making an interesting internet site for college students. Will probably start with submitting interesting information such as”Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as right here


  62. I am sorry for off-topic, I am considering about building an informative website for college students. May probably start with submitting interesting facts such as”Sex is biochemically no different from eating large quantities of chocolate.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info such as right here


  63. Подарок руководителю, крупному бизнесмену, серьезному и ответственному человеку зрелого возраста должен быть солидным, запоминающимся, весомым, и недешевым, однозначно. Подробнее об этом читайте на сайте fi-hi.ru

  64. I am sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about creating an instructive web-site for college students. Will probably begin with publishing interesting facts like”Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like here


  65. Sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about building an interesting website for young students. May possibly start with posting interesting information such as”13% of Americans actually believe that some parts of the moon are made of cheese.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like right here


  66. I apologize for off-topic, I am thinking about building an informative internet site for individuals. May possibly commence with publishing interesting facts such as”Stephen Hawking was born exactly 300 years after Galileo died.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts such as right here


  67. I apologize for off-topic, I’m considering about building an interesting web-site as a student. May possibly commence with submitting interesting information just like”Butterflies can see red, green, and yellow.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like right here


  68. I apologize for off-topic, I’m considering about creating an interesting internet site for students. May probably begin with publishing interesting facts like”Babies are born without knee caps. They don’t appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as here


  69. Конкуренцию стандартным петельным межкомнатным открывающимся конструкциям составляют более функциональные решения – сдвижные двери. Они так же включают в себя полотна из древесины или иного материала, вот только главные элементы блока движутся по прямым линиям (направляющим) параллельно стене. Читайте об этом подробнее на сайте akro-spb.ru

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  71. I’m sorry for off-topic, I am considering about making an instructive web site for individuals. Will possibly begin with submitting interesting information like”Mexico City sinks about 10 inches a year”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as right here


  72. I apologize for off-topic, I am considering about creating an interesting website for young students. May probably start with posting interesting facts just like”A man will ejaculate approximately 18 quarts of semen in his lifetime.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info like right here


  73. I’m sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about making an enlightening internet site for college students. Will probably commence with posting interesting facts such as”Mercury is the only planet whose orbit is coplanar with its equator.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like right here


  74. I am sorry for off-topic, I am considering about creating an informative site for kids. May probably begin with submitting interesting facts such as”Possums have one of the shortest pregnancies at 16 days. The shortest human pregnancy to produce a healthy baby was 22 weeks, 6 days — the baby was the length of a ballpoint pen.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as here


  75. Sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about creating an interesting site for individuals. May possibly begin with publishing interesting facts just like”In York, it is perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow (except on Sundays)”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info like here


  76. Sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about building an interesting web-site for college kids. May probably start with submitting interesting information just like”No piece of square dry paper can be folded in half more than 7 times”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as right here


  77. Sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about building an enlightening internet site as a student. Will possibly start with publishing interesting facts like”Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like right here


  78. Sorry for off-topic, I am considering about building an enlightening internet site for individuals. Will probably commence with submitting interesting facts like”Your brain consumes 25 watts of power while you’re awake. This amount of energy is enough to illuminate a lightbulb.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as right here


  79. I am sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about creating an interesting website for college kids. May possibly commence with posting interesting information like”Possums have one of the shortest pregnancies at 16 days. The shortest human pregnancy to produce a healthy baby was 22 weeks, 6 days — the baby was the length of a ballpoint pen.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like here


  80. I’m sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about creating an instructive web site for college students. Will possibly start with submitting interesting information just like”Negative emotions such as anxiety and depression can weaken your immune system.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts such as here


  81. I apologize for off-topic, I’m thinking about making an informative web-site for kids. May possibly commence with submitting interesting facts like”Babies are born without knee caps. They don’t appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as here


  82. Sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about making an interesting site for individuals. Will probably begin with submitting interesting facts like”The world’s youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info such as here


  83. I am sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about making an enlightening website for kids. Will probably commence with submitting interesting facts like”Dragonflies are capable of flying sixty miles per hour, making them one of the fastest insects. This is good since they are in a big hurry, as they only live about twenty-four hours.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info such as here


  84. I apologize for off-topic, I’m thinking about creating an interesting website for pupils. Will possibly begin with posting interesting information like”Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts such as right here


  85. I am sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about making an interesting website as a student. May possibly begin with submitting interesting information such as”The male seahorse carries the eggs until they hatch instead of the female.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts such as right here


  86. Sorry for off-topic, I am considering about building an instructive site for college kids. May possibly begin with submitting interesting information such as”Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave. Go on, try it then”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like right here


  87. I’m sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about creating an interesting web-site for college students. Will probably begin with submitting interesting facts like”Stephen Hawking was born exactly 300 years after Galileo died.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like here


  88. Sorry for off-topic, I am considering about making an enlightening web site as a student. May possibly commence with publishing interesting information like”The top butterfly flight speed is 12 miles per hour. Some moths can fly 25 miles per hour!”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like right here


  89. Sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about making an informative web-site for individuals. Will possibly commence with posting interesting information just like”Some Case Moth caterpillars (Psychidae) build a case around themselves that they always carry with them. It is made of silk and pieces of plants or soil.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info such as here


  90. I’m sorry for off-topic, I am considering about building an instructive internet site for individuals. Will probably commence with submitting interesting information like”More people are afraid of spiders than death. Amazingly, few people are afraid of Champagne corks even though you are more likely to be killed by one than by a spider.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like here


  91. I’m sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about creating an interesting site as a student. Will possibly start with posting interesting information like”Ramses brand condom is named after the great pharaoh Ramses II who fathered over 160 children.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like here


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  94. I like to get my inspiration from really meaningful phrases said by truly great people like “The only thing I know is that I know nothing”, do you know where I can find thematic compiltaions of those?


  95. I like to get my inspiration from really meaningful phrases said by truly great people like “What is rational is actual and what is actual is rational”, do you know where I can find thematic compiltaions of those?


  96. I like to get my inspiration from really meaningful phrases said by truly great people like “Freedom is secured not by the fulfilling of one’s desires, but by the removal of desire”, do you know where I can find thematic compiltaions of those?


  97. Архитектурное проектирование объектов различных типов сооружений — это важнейший этап, значительный и ответственный в строительном процессе, подробнее читайте на сайте roofor.ru

  98. I like to get my inspiration from really meaningful phrases said by truly great people like “If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him”, do you know where I can find thematic compiltaions of those?


  99. Sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about making an instructive web site for young students. Will possibly commence with publishing interesting information such as”“Ithyphallophobia”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like here


  100. I am sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about creating an informative internet site as a student. May possibly start with submitting interesting facts like”Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info like here


  101. I like to get my inspiration from really meaningful phrases said by truly great people like “We are too weak to discover the truth by reason alone”, do you know where I can find thematic compiltaions of those?


  102. I am sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about making an interesting web-site for kids. May probably begin with submitting interesting facts such as”Possums have one of the shortest pregnancies at 16 days. The shortest human pregnancy to produce a healthy baby was 22 weeks, 6 days — the baby was the length of a ballpoint pen.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info like right here


  103. I’m sorry for off-topic, I am considering about building an interesting web site for students. Will probably start with posting interesting facts just like”A spider’s web is not a home, but rather a trap for its food. They are as individual as snowflakes, with no two ever being the same. Some tropical spiders have built webs over eighteen feet across.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like here


  104. I’m sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about creating an enlightening website for college students. Will possibly start with posting interesting facts just like”It is impossible to lick your elbow.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like here


  105. I’m sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about creating an informative site for kids. May probably begin with posting interesting facts such as”Some Case Moth caterpillars (Psychidae) build a case around themselves that they always carry with them. It is made of silk and pieces of plants or soil.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts such as right here


  106. I’m sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about creating an enlightening web site as a student. Will possibly start with posting interesting information just like”Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave. Go on, try it then”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like here


  107. I am sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about making an instructive web site for college students. May possibly start with submitting interesting facts just like”Some Case Moth caterpillars (Psychidae) build a case around themselves that they always carry with them. It is made of silk and pieces of plants or soil.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts such as here


  108. I apologize for off-topic, I’m thinking about making an enlightening web-site for college kids. Will probably commence with publishing interesting information like”On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every year.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info such as here


  109. I am sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about creating an instructive web-site for pupils. Will probably begin with posting interesting information such as”A spider’s web is not a home, but rather a trap for its food. They are as individual as snowflakes, with no two ever being the same. Some tropical spiders have built webs over eighteen feet across.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like here


  110. I am sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about building an interesting site for young students. May probably begin with posting interesting information like”Some people say that when the black bands on the Woolybear caterpillar are wide, a cold winter is coming.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like here


  111. I’m sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about building an interesting web site for college kids. May probably start with posting interesting facts like”More people are afraid of spiders than death. Amazingly, few people are afraid of Champagne corks even though you are more likely to be killed by one than by a spider.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as here


  112. Состояние окружающей нас среды во многом зависит от правильного использования природных ресурсов, которые даются человеку. Это касается и строительной деятельности. Подробнее об этом читайте на сайте beton-cement-ru.ru

  113. Прежде всего, ознакомьтесь с документами. У застройщика должна быть лицензия на ведение строительных работ, разрешение на строительство данного объекта и документы на ввод интересующего вас дома в эксплуатацию. Подробнее читайте на сайте sovet-sadovody.ru

  114. I apologize for off-topic, I’m thinking about creating an instructive web site for college kids. May probably start with submitting interesting facts such as”Flies jump backwards during takeoff.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like right here


  115. I am sorry for off-topic, I am considering about creating an interesting website for individuals. May probably start with posting interesting facts like”Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as right here


  116. Не для кого не секрет, что ставки на спорт являются хорошим источником дохода и лучшим решением для финансирования. Каждый сам выбирает свой путь в ставках:

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  117. I am sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about creating an enlightening web site for college students. May probably start with posting interesting information such as”Possums have one of the shortest pregnancies at 16 days. The shortest human pregnancy to produce a healthy baby was 22 weeks, 6 days — the baby was the length of a ballpoint pen.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts such as here


  118. Sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about creating an instructive web site for college kids. May probably commence with publishing interesting facts like”Dragonflies are capable of flying sixty miles per hour, making them one of the fastest insects. This is good since they are in a big hurry, as they only live about twenty-four hours.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts such as here
